About Us
River of Life Fellowship is a non-denominational, Spirit filled, Bible believing Christian Church. We believe that we are a local expression of the One Body of Christ, and as such, recognize the other bodies in our community as brothers and sisters in Him. We are affiliated with the International Apostolic Ministries (IAM) Family of Ministries.
River Of Life is currently led by Justin and Troyana Gardner, our Senior Pastors.
Our Vision
Our vision can be summed up to one single statement, to walk in submission to the voice of the Holy Spirit! Within that statement lies these desires of our spirits. Our vision is to experience new things and to live outside of the pattern of the mundane, which can only be experienced by trying new things, to break free of traditions that bind us and prevent growth. We desire to be a place that exemplifies the true surrender of self into worship through new songs and in passionate spirit, to be an outreach and a beacon to the lost, healing to the broken, a refuge to the needy, a well to the desperate, and to be a training camp to the ones already here. Our vision is to activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit within Gods people through the example of first knowing His voice, for the word of God says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." JOHN 10:27, and second to radically obey that voice through the abandonment of human knowledge in deferral to the the voice of the Lord who surpasses all understanding. We desire to continue to be a meeting place of unity amongst the bodies of Christ in this community and across the nations, to stand in the pool of the wisdom of the elders, and with the strength and reignition of the fire of the young, blaze a new trail forward into the new now moment. The desire here is to truly be new wine, and as the word says, "and no-one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins." MARK 2:22. And lastly this, our vision is to walk in the suddenlies, where the natural order of things is affected (and transformed) by what the Spirit is doing!